The Dixie Lee "INDOOR~ WINTER" Farmers Market~ Saturday ~ 10am -1pm Jan 4 - April 12
Dixie Lee Farmers’ Market
12740 Kingston Pike, Farragut
Phone: 865-742-6937 (Jeff Cannon - Manager)
Dixie Lee Farmers’ Market
Rules and Regulations
The Dixie Lee Farmers’ Market (DLFM) began this venture with the idea of helping our local small farmers, gardeners and our community. We are striving to do the best we can to make things simple and fair. These rules are based on information provided to us from other farmers markets, official offices and other farmers. The integrity of our market is based on the idea of being easy and fair. Your input is very important.
Please forward comments and suggestions to our Market Managers:
Jeff and Ginger Cannon;
Lenoir City - Tennessee
All comments will be addressed within as soon as possible.
Rules and Regulations
All applicants must submit an application, along with applicable certificates, two weeks (14 days) before the date they expect to begin selling. No exceptions.
Rules and Regulations
1. Only individuals may apply for active membership. No co-ops, corporate owned farms, or partnerships, etc. are allowed to sell at the market.
2. A Member of the Dixie Lee Farmers’ Market or their representative must sell all products.
Members can not re-sell any products. Member must grow the products sold on members’ farm, members’ family farm, or on land leased or rented by the Member.
3. Member must agree to allow a representative of DLFM to inspect the farm to ensure the Member is growing all products offered for sale.
4. Only top quality produce will be permitted to be sold at the Dixie Lee Farmers’ Market. Products that can be sold are:
o Vegetables grown from seeds, sets, or seedlings
o Fruits and Berries
o Unprocessed Nuts
o (Processed nuts, e.g. shell nuts, packaged nuts or any other method of processing will require proper licensing by the TDA.)
o Dried Herbs
o Bulbs propagated by the seller
o Honey produced from the seller's bee. Producer shall comply with the State regulations for honey as set forth in T.C.A 53-15-101 and as of June of 2015 must comply with RULE ID 5897 including but not limited to:
The honey must be PURE HONEY with no added water and must comply with the less than 20% MOISTURE CONTENT regulations.
Honey must be properly labeled with:
Producers name and Address
The Net weight of the product
o Cut or dried flowers grown by the seller
o Eggs: A producer may sell eggs at market without permitting for his/her flock as long as that flock is under 3,000 birds and meet the following conditions:
Eggs have been effectively cleaned and sanitized
Eggs are sold in new, unclassified/ungraded containers that are labeled with the name, address, and contact information of the operation
Eggs are stored at 41° F or below.
Items requiring certificates:
Potted products (herbs, flowers, shrubs, or trees in pots)
Poultry (chicken, duck, turkey)
Any meats (Beef, lamb, pork, buffalo, ostrich, emu, etc.)
Processed Dairy products (cheese, milk, etc.)
Foods Processed in a certified kitchen
You must comply with state regulations or you will not be permitted to sell.
A current state certification and a copy of your last inspection must be attached for any of the above categories.
5. Because the Pick Tennessee logo is featured, all products should come from Tennessee, which is defined by all Tennessee counties.
6. With the paid annual membership fee. Each member is allowed a maximum of two parking spaces for one vehicle per membership. If additional vehicle space is required, an additional parking fee may be assessed.
7. The Town of Farragut requires that you NOT SELL FROM BACK OF TRUCKS. Therefore you must have a table to set up and sell your products. Dixie Lee Farmers Market does not furnish any tents, tables, chairs, etc. You must come prepared.
8. It is the responsibility of Members to adhere to all food safety rules and regulations, both on the state/county and federal level. See above.
9. The Market hours are Saturdays from 9 a.m. till noon.
All vendors must be on the lot ready to set-up no later than 8a.m. If for some reason you are running late, you must contact the market manager by 8:15 a.m. or you may lose your space for that day. Jeff Cannon 865-742-6937
10. No early sales will be permitted. Sales can begin ONLY AFTER 9am. Please be fair and considerate.
11. Items should be clean, clearly marked and priced (organic items should be clearly and truthfully identified). Due to TN food safety regulations: No produce may be displayed or stored on the ground. Must be in or on container at least 12” off ground.
12. Products sold by weight, must be weighed using a certified scale. Weights should be accurate and overall weight should not include the container.
13. Prices must be fair and similar to like products of other vendors.
14. Any sales tax collection is the responsibility of the Member. It is also the responsibility of the vendor to pay appropriate sales tax to the Tennessee Department of Revenue.
15. At market close, members are responsible for cleaning up the immediate area around one’s space. Failure to comply may result in a fine or exclusion from the Market.
16. No vendors may have their pets with them at market.
17. Members understand that inclement weather may exist.
The fees that are charged are based the average or expected monies spent in the managing, advertising and operating cost.
All applicants must submit an application for new membership, along with applicable certificates, *two weeks (14 days) before the date they expect to begin selling.
Annual Membership Fee: $30.00, due before your first set up at the Market;
Weekly set up fee: $20-$40 depending on the size and location of stall space
Application can be e-mailed
Or mail to: Dixie Lee Farmers Market 2476 Ford Rd. Lenoir City, TN 37772
See Below for a downloadable version of these Rules and Regulations, as well as, The Application.
Please download and print the DLFM Crafter Rules and Regulations or the DLFM Producer Rules and Regulations below for a printable copy our Rules and Regulations.
If you have chosen to fill out our online application form, please download, print and sign the DLFM Release waiver and assumption of Risk form. You may either mail it to the address below or hand deliver it to us at the market.
DLFM 2476 Ford Rd, Lenoir City, TN 37772
or you may scan it to your email and send it to
Copyright © 2018 Dixie Lee Farmers' Market - All Rights Reserved.